Food Safety Tips for Buying Eggs and Dairy

March 15, 2014

Many people approach the task of handling and purchasing food with a basic understanding of food safety. However, certain products still provide a degree of challenge when it comes to recognising safe food handling practices.

Dairy products and eggs are especially high risk foods, both known to be particularly tricky when it comes to food safety issues. With that in mind, how do consumers ensure that they are properly selecting their products and ensuring their safety to benefit their family?

Buying and storing eggs

When you’re purchasing eggs, be sure to pick a container that feels cool to the touch. Eggs should be stored in prime location within your fridge to ensure that they are kept cold and fresh.

Raw eggs can generally last for up to three weeks within your refrigerator, and it’s important to ensure that you’ve either cooked or disposed of them before this time. Raw eggs should never be consumed.

Eggs that you have hard-boiled and stored for later can last for approximately a week in the fridge.

Buying and storing dairy

When you’re navigating the grocery store, the route you take is important. Perishable items such as milk should generally be picked up last, to make sure that they are as cold as possible until you can transport them from the store to your fridge.

If possible, choose cream or milk products packaged in a cardboard container as these will keep the light out and help the product to last for longer. Milk and dairy products should never be stored in the door of the fridge as this section does not maintain a steady temperature. Once you have opened your milk, it should be consumed within one week or thrown out after that time.